Gözde Atalay
Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Workshops

3rd International CLOWN Residency

31st July-08th of August 2023

Agios Lavrentios, Greece | ClownFamily

In this workshop, we are going to work, play, discover and devise together.

We will awake our vitality and joy through our Red Noses🔴 

Booking is essential until 30th of MAY because of limited places.

Intensive CLOWN 2 Workshop 

16-17-18-21-23-24-25 December 2022
 İstanbul, TURKEY 
Total: 40 hours
For booking & information:
selinakoglu@gmail.com, Selin Akoğlu

3 Day Intensive Clown Workshop

14-15-16 October 2022

Athens, Greece

BOOKING is essential until 04th of OCTOBER because of limited places

Epic Imbalance: Theatrical Clown Workshop

25th-31st AUGUST 2022 | MUSIC VILLAGE Festival

Agios Lavrentios, Greece 

Duration: 30 Hours

Timeline: 10.30 – 14.00 & 17.00 – 19.30
Limited places
Language: English

The workshop addresses itself to performers, therapists, educators or any person is interested in exploring new paths of expression and their creative potentials.


Apply Here


The clown journey starts when you immerse yourself into the unknown aspects of your personality, connecting with your untamed‘other’inside – the one who enjoys the chaotic and unpredictable nature of life.

The clown follows his/her impulses and is eager to find his/her own unique solution for any problem that emerges through his/her poetic journey. He/she is a playful being existing in the HERE and NOW, full of surprises for us and for himself/herself. The clown does everything with pleasure and a sense of joy!

In this workshop we will develop the ability to accept chaos, failure and the completely unknown as vital elements within our creative process. We will awaken our bodies, our playfulness, our awareness, our simplicity and we will free ourselves from fear and judgment through games, movement exercises, improvisation, method of three sec. and collective singing. We will bring out our hidden, unlived qualities and create a playful dialogue with them. The red nose ,which is the smallest mask in the world, will guide the individual clowns to emerge and we will work with their presence, projection, rhythm, costume and vital relationship with the audience.

In this workshop we will laugh and cry abundantly and this will help us in becoming “deeper” human beings and better artists!

“Think about yourself at least once in your life otherwise you may miss the best comedy in this world.”

Charlie Chaplin


*Red noses provided
*Tuesday 30th of August an open lecture on THEATRE CLOWN


Epic Imbalance: 3 Day Intensive Clown Workshop in CORFU
21-22-23th of AUGUST at Arillas Buddha Hall
International Clown Residency in PELION
29th JULY-06TH AUGUST 2022


For participants who would like to “travel deeper into Clown’s Art by attending CLOWN level (2)
The Clown Residency in Pelion, Greece, is open to all experience levels or anyone interested inexploring their creative potential and new ways of expression. In this workshop we will develop the ability to accept chaos, failure and the completely unknown as vital elements within our creative process.
We will awaken our bodies, our playfulness, our awareness, our simplicity and we will free ourselves from fear and judgment through games, movement exercises, improvisation and collective singing.
The red nose, which is the smallest mask in the world,

will guide the individual clowns to emerge.
We start working with each participant alone on stage and with the group on rhythm, playfulness and joy. Then guide them to discover the way of creating a clown costume and make the first step of creating a clown character while we continue with different improvisations. We will continue with duos and trios. Clown’s communication, listening of the space, relationship with audience, developing a common action and go deep into action on stage.
Some general objectives that we are going to work during the clown journey.
  • Playfulness, action/reaction and joy
  • Movement analysis of the body in space
  • The Red Nose as a mask: amplification and articulation of movement
  • The clown as a state of being on stage
  • The existence of the body in the empty space and the creative potential of imbalance situations
  • Contact with the physical, emotional and spiritual body of the actor.
  • Emotional awareness and presence.
  • Eye Contact and interaction with the audience
  • Costume development
  • Playing with space and objects
  • The relationship among clowns: hierarchy, masters and servants, levels of stupidity
  • The Circus Clown Archetypes: Augustus, Contra Augustus, White Clown
  • 3 seconds Method and Comedic Timing
  • Clown’s meetings, duos and trios improvisations.
  • The actor’s skills in service to the clown: playing with music, singing, acrobatics, juggling, dance and
  • Unusual or unique skills.
  • To devise and to create theatrical work for a Clown Variety Show.
The Clown Residency is open to all experience levels or anyone interested in
exploring their creative potential and new ways of expression.
29th July    Arrival in the morning, Aghios Lavrentios, Pelion, Woskhop begins 14.30-19.30 (only first day)
28July-04 August    Workshop-Training
05th August, Clown Variety Show in the
06th August, Departure from Aghios
Lavrentios, Pelion in the afternoon
Total: 50 hours
The program is flexible according to the motivation and creative potential of the group.
The aim of the workshop is to go as deep as possible in 8 days and to give the opportunity to participants to discover a life journey path as well as awakening the interest of them for using clowning in their performing fields.
Finally, bring your most true, genuine and unique humanity. Remember: intelligence is limited, stupidity is infinite.

Epic Imbalance: Clown Workshop
Turkey | Alişler Yurdu – Eco Village | Yalova
02-05th JULY 2022
The seminar addresses itself to performers, therapists, educators or any person is interested in exploring new paths of expression and their creative potentials.
02 JULY Saturday 14:00-18:00
03 JULY Sunday 10:00-17:00
04 JULY Monday 10:00-17:00
05 JULY Tuesday 10:00-12:00
Total: 20 hours
Max 14 participants
Language: English and Turkish
*Fully booked. Waiting list is open.